Contribute to this life-changing project for our community!
Every contribution moves us forward! Your help is needed! WCT is at a cross-road with our current facility and cannot meet the increasing demands for programs and services without expanding our space. A multi-million dollar capital campaign is currently underway to make this critical expansion a reality and keep the WCT a treasured community resource long into the future.
Please go to to see additional ways to support this project through Planned Giving or Estate Planning options.
Donate or Pledge OnlineContribute
Please make check payable to the Waukesha Civic Theatre and mail to:
Waukesha Civic Theatre, c/o WCCF, 2727 N. Grandview Blvd. Suite 301, Waukesha, WI 53188.
Waukesha Civic Theatre accepts all credit cards and cryptocurrency.
Mail credit card payment to: Waukesha Civic Theatre, c/o WCCF, 2727 N. Grandview Blvd. Suite 301, Waukesha, WI 53188 Download a fillable form
Gifts may be made: In Memory of OR In Honor of someone. Please indicate below:
Fillable Pledge Form